My favorite thing to RANT about?
The TS flippin’ A and their minimal common sense. Argh!
Goodness Golly, I am not even at the airport today, but I am thoroughly annoyed at the incompetency of the TSA – the fine folk in the blue button up shirts… oh, and badges!
I have ranted about the Transportation Security Administration before. This is not a new aggravation of mine. And lucky me, because I am a flight attendant I get to deal with them even MORE than the average traveler. Lucky, lucky me.
Today I am not ranting about the fact the TSA leave nasty notes in luggage, TSA inappropriate touching, or even the fact they strip search old people (but apologized later, whoops!). No, not my rant today, maybe tomorrow.
This time, this article really peeved me:
Florida teen detained by TSA for design on her purse
Read the whole TSA article on Yahoo News
Do you really, really, really, honestly, honestly, honestly think that gun clutch purse is dangerous?
A FEDERAL OFFENSE for a faux-gun design?
I rely on the TSA to protect my and passengers lives on my flights daily?
Send HELP!
Holy Heck Batman.
Since I couldn’t fathom the dumbness of the TSA in Norfolk, Virginia alone, I decided to share this article with my (so kind-hearted it is amazing) husband. I told him I was so annoyed at the ever-so-frequent TSA articles about dumb-dumbs that I should start a new blog dedicated to just how idiotic the TSA can be.
I mean, sheesh, I would have A LOT of easy content for blog posts! It would be like they write my blog for me… I needed to figure out a web address… these were the first that came to mind:
or even
Now, I don’t truly plan on opening the TSA Dummies blog (unless you all would follow it?!?!) 😉 But no, I probably shouldn’t just in case I end up on the TSA NO-FLY list (which has doubled in the past year!) It also wouldn’t be very good if my Flight Attendant supervisor found out. Because, honestly I don’t want to be fired for anything less than what Steve Slater at JetBlue did.
So I will have to stick with just a rant (or two) every so often to get things off my chest. Is that okay with you?
PS – Did you know TSA made $400,000 in loose change in 2010?