There are a lot of good causes, non-profits and researches to support. As the holidays roll around my husband and I try to donate more money to the causes that we are passionate about. While we don’t have money like big businesses do, we do hop onboard when companies donate to a cause on our […]
Got extra coupons? Send to Our Troops!
Lesley, one of my FABULOUS readers helps operate the program CouponsToTroops. She wrote a blog post about this program on her site This program is doing great things for our troops. CouponsToTroops is a program designed to help raise awareness for US military families who are stationed overseas being able to use manufacturers’ coupons […]
Coupons for Troops
Fourth of July is coming up this weekend, so I thought this would be a great time to share a neat program with you: Coupons for Troops Program. The Coupons for Troops Overseas Program provides expired and non-expired coupons to military families stationed overseas. Coupons can make a big difference since prices in overseas commissaries […]