There are a lot of home problem-solving products that sure come in handy when trying to maintain a clean home! I have come to discover many products that I absolutely need and cannot live without since becoming a home owner! Some that make my life easier, and some that just get the job done. Now […]
Soft Scrub Mold & Mildew Giveaway (3 Winners)
Worst combination of yuck ever? Mold and mildew! Mold and mildew are two nasty fast-growing surface germs that I cannot stand in my shower! There is nothing grosser! Plus, they are terrible for you and can even make you sick! Just the thought of this bacteria makes me ill! I prevent mold and mildew before […]
Computer Cleaning Reviews: Purosol Plasma
Have you ever been typing on your computer and felt a sneeze coming on…or pointed to something on your monitor and accidentally got your finger prints all over it? When my computer is shut down to the black screen, I can see all those fingerprints and specs of who knows what. I longed to have […]
Computer Cleaning Reviews: Cyber Clean High Tech Solution
Count down to a clean computer…. Eat over my keyboard? Guilty. Sneezed on my keyboard? Yuck and guilty. OK, let’s admit it, there is a lot of nastiness around our computer keyboards. In fact, some keyboards have FIVE times more bugs and bacteria than a toilet!! Research was conducted on 33 keyboards in a single […]
Seventh Generation Free & Clear Cleaners
As I near the end of my pregnancy, I am definitely finding myself in “Nesting” mode. I’ve always been a bit of a clean freak but never thought too much about the chemicals in my products. We all know that little ones put everything into their mouths and touch every surface possible and it’s a […]