Negotiate with Comcast? Ugh. Sounds like a horrible pain in the butt, right? However…
On a recent flight I sat next to a very charming lady. We got to talking and it wasn’t long before the savings and deals conversation came up. (I am a sucker for a good deal story!)
She shared with me a fantastic Comcast negotiation deal, and now I am sharing it with you! She marks her calendar every 6 months to call Comcast Customer Retention Center. But why would you want to talk to that gosh-awful company so often or at all? Because she is calling to re-negotiate her 6 month deal she made with them 6 months before. She bragged that she gets Cable TV, Internet and Phone services for only $60. Woot! I was excited for her.
She has a few tips for getting a good deal:
- Find out the competitors in your service area. (Qwest, Verizon, Vonage, etc)
- Don’t call unprepared. Research the discounts the competitors are advertising. You can easily find these online or in the paper.
- Call the 800- customer service line. Ask to speak with CUSTOMER RETENTION.
- Always mark your calendar for when the promo will end so you can call a few weeks before it ends and get the same deal for the next 6 or 12 months.
- Be nice to the retention specialist and they will be nice to you!
When negotiating with Comcast, I would expect to have to argue and get angry before a deal could be made. Not the case! She says, “they are quick to offer deals and very friendly – they want to keep you as a customer.” She has had only pleasant experiences and hasn’t been disappointed yet. That’s Comcastic!
If you do try to negotiate, I would love to hear about the outcome and (hopefully) the success!