Yay it is Friday! I don’t know about you, but this short week felt like a longer than normal week!! Ah!
Here is something I found neat: Studies show that quick thinking can brighten your mood. They have found that consistent fast thinking will induce a positive, happier mood and will in turn increase energy and self-esteem. The study also mentioned that variety and progressive thoughts are what makes a happier mind, rather than repetitive or anxious thoughts.
If you want an instant happier mind try these activities
- Pick up an easy sudoku and race to finish it.
- Work on a simple crossword puzzle (I am only good at the ones in People!)
- Watch your favorite TV show on fast forward
- Play a fast acting card game (remember the game speed?)
- Brainstorm (example: ways to earn extra cash)
- Jot down an sort of quick list (example: brands of shoes)
- Turn up the tunes – listen to fast upbeat music Or think of your own quick thinking activity… better yet brainstorm them!!