The 110 degree days of August are soon approaching. For most of us this means hiding out in doors in the AC; but my fellow parents out there know that for us this simply means sitting outside, sweating our faces off and begging our children to hydrate!
When packing my outdoor bag for the girls there are a few things that I add for the sunny months. A tube of sunscreen, sun hats for each of them. What I don’t usually think, of are sunglasses, at least not for the kids.
I recently had the honor of reviewing some fantastic kid sunglasses called Real Kid Shades. I loved browsing the cute styles on the Real Kids Shades website and once I picked out pairs for the girls the package came quickly.
I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill break-in-a-day kid sunglasses. These sunglasses are flexible, scratch resistant and block 100% of UV rays. Did you catch the flexible in there??? So when my almost-three-year-old inevitably puts the glasses around her legs or her baby sister and her decide to have a tug-o-war match they return to their shape!
The glasses came with some fantastic literature that was truly eye opening (pun intended). I had no idea that 83% of parents make sure their kids are wearing sunscreen and only 32% tell them to put on sunglasses. I will admit before looking at the facts, I never gave sunglasses much thought.
I wear them myself to protect my eyes, why would I not put them on my kids too?
And according to this literature kids’ eyes are more susceptible to sun related eye damage, because they have longer exposure times and their lenses are more transparent than those of adults. Kids are at increased risk until they are 10 years old.
With my new education on eye safety, I packed these glasses up on quite a few outings with my preschooler and 11 month old. My older daughter loves the glasses. She will wear them for extended periods of time with no complaints, and no slipping. I love the fact that even the older kids’ glasses came with a strap. We didn’t utilize this for her but I could imagine it would come in handy for a day at the beach, the pool or the lake.
My smaller daughter was a different story. I had a really hard time adjusting the glasses to fit her eyes. They always seemed as if they were a little off-kilter. And she is at the stage where she hates things on her head. I can sometimes convince her to wear a hat, but the glasses lasted an entire 30 seconds (barley long enough for me to get a photo). I took my time writing this review hoping that I could acclimate her to these glasses with more exposure. This was not the case. I think that had I put glasses on her from a younger age she might have worn them but because she’s in this stage and she hasn’t used them before she was having no part in it. I will keep trying with her, knowing what I know about the exposure to UV rays and kid’s delicate eyes.
All in all I would recommend these glasses to any parent looking, especially for the older kids. Keep in mind that they can also put prescription lenses in there for you!
Check out all of the cute styles on their web site They have the glasses categorized by ages and they range from 0 all the way to 12 years of age.
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